Had a really frightening encounter with electricity on Good Friday.
Our power had been going on and off every few minutes, computers and microwave beeping all the time. We thought we were having power surges. Not so.
About 2pm we had no power to the appliances in the kitchen, then the toaster worked but not the microwave, swapped plugs and the same thing. Weird. We thought maybe the microwave have given up the ghost, the next thought was that we could be up for some rewiring, which we can ill afford.
All of a sudden the computer box in the kitchen went up in smoke. While I raced around and turned things off G got the computer outside. Next thing the monitor in G's "junk" room was pouring out smoke. This became seriously scary for me as G had to leave for a nightshift and I was by myself.
I rang the power company and was told there had been no power surges in my town since 6am when the guy had started his shift. I explained what had happened, and said I was too scared to turn on anything for fear the house would burn down. He was great and sent out 2 guys to have a look.
The repairman came to the door and said he could see a major problem from the ground, and pointed to a damaged cable running from the power pole to the house, there was about 10 inches of melted rubber, with exposed wires underneath. They replaced the wire and turned the power back on, nothing else went up in smoke, thank goodness. He placed the blame solely on that cable as they had checked everything else as well. He also said the cables in this area were quite old and it was probably the original cable, circa 1975.
I spent a really nervous night, each time I turned something on I stood and watched it just in case.
I think we were very lucky we were at home to turn things off , and that it didn't happen at night. We could easily have lost the house and possibly our lives. We do have smoke alarms, but I sleep like the dead and wouldn't hear the alarm. Burglars, that is NOT an invitation to you!!!
We lost a heap of stuff which the power company takes no liability for, but will pay pro rata, something to do with depreciation. The contents insurance was due on the 25/3, and hadnt been paid, so no joy there.
We are down a lot of dollars, but have our lives and the house. I am truly grateful.