Showing posts with label Wankers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wankers. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Victoria Burning - I Hate Greenies & Arsonists

I can't begin to tell you how we are feeling. The shock has started to wear off a little, but along with that comes severe anger and frustration.

At this time, I'm so glad I don't know a Greenie. Those bloody City people, who know nothing about the bush, who have managed to get laws passed that will not allow us to cut down trees surrounding country properties, thus endangering lives. 29 fires are still burning.
Those dickheads who chain themselves to trees, professional protesters, who are paid. They have also managed to destroy a hundred odd years of tradition, Alpine Cattle Grazing, by having that banned as well, and turning it into the Alpine National Park, because of some little plants or frogs (something like that). Who frigging cares? Aren't human lives worth more than a frogs, or an endangered plant?
You say no? Then F off all Greenies and Arsonists. You deserve the Death Penalty. 181 lives lost, over a thousand homes, then we come to livelihoods, livestock. You WANKERS. The undergrowth is long, we have been in drought for 12 years. The only house left standing in one area had removed the trees around the house. They were taken to court, charged with Environmental Damage and fined. It cost them $100,000, but saved their lives.
Well Greenies and Arsonists, happy now? I suggest you go chain your selves to the trees that have cost victims their lives and others their livlihoods, enjoy yourselves.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Persian Angels & Wankers

There are a certain set of gents that love to dribble, from the mouth (and nether regions) about naked Middle Eastern women.

Quite possibly about any women, but they do point out in particular, mostly Iranian women

Apparently it is OK to associate the lack of Chador, and Petroleum Jelly, for use in a particular ritual.

The "ritual" seems to suit them down to the ground. I gues they could be called, and aptly so, wankers in the real sense of the word.

For a crew with a large 'central' blogroll, who repeatedly stress the importance of themselves and their site, 1400 hits a week (apparently) , it is definitely not professionalism that comes to the forefront of this particular article called Hot Persian Babes.
Being touched by an Angel is not always a good thing

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