Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Iraq - 7 Years On - Shame, Shame, USA

I came accross a heap of anti war slogans the other day. Something grabbed me inside, gut wrenching.

Iraq is English for Vietnam.
Bomb a child, make a terrorist.
How many lives per gallon
How did our oil get under their soil
God does not bless only America
Born to drill, born to kill

I saved the best for last. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention.

All of these were tagged "Iraq". I didn't see much on the Gulf War, nor the deliberate use of Depleted Uranium to poisen Iraq's water supply. Not much about the horrific birth defects and cancers caused by DU and it's ever lasting effects.

The combat soldiers have now left, so we're told. Look at the bloody mess they have made, it's like Vietnam. A complete and total cockup. We promised never again to treat our soldiers like we did after that war, and as far as I know we haven't. In the West we tend to believe out Governments. Who to blame? The US Administration, and not just Bush, this goes back a long way before him.

Say what you like about Saddam, but Iraq was better off with him there. There were no suicide bombers, people were going about their daily lives, they had jobs, homes, and their children, Mothers, Fathers, brothers, sisters were alive. They lived side by side the majority of the time with no problems. Sunni, Shia, Christian inter married.

My Mum told me this while Bush was chest beating, prior to Shock and Awe, "if they remove Saddam they take the lid off Pandora's Box, and while Saddam is not perfect he knows what would happen to the country without a strong ruler". She was so right, it happened.

The US has torn her apart limb from limb, sliced and diced, destroyed her people. anarchy now rules.

Will they ever be able to put themselves together again? Will they be able to find a man to put that lid back on Pandora's Box? My heart says yes, and my head says no.


One last quote from Madeleine Albright on the loss of 500,000 Iraqi children: It was worth it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bush's Gift to Iraq & No Angels

The Gift
Copyright AL

The tears fall
As she lays dying
Screaming in pain
She follows us
On the path to death


We took her

Broke her
Tore her down
We broke her heart

Hatred fills her veins
She knows we did this
For oil and lies
Hating us for it
We have given her
Something to fight for

Her heart is filled with love
For killing
For hatred
Hatred for us

She is now
A place of pain
A place of death
A place of sorrow


Torn and bleeding
She still strives to live

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Angel's, Iraq, Nukes and Flying Bush's.

If trees could fly?

There is an interesting article at ICH, today. As there is most days. But, this one is a little different, and so are the comments. Have a sticky beak at the article here:

Apparently there are some funny going's on at Barksdale Air Force Base. Tut, tut, does this mean the US is up to no good? Again?

According to one of the comments on this article, it is an extremely sophisticated process to arm a nuclear bomb. You don't just load the nukes, and then drop them. It doesn't happen this way.

If sophistication is the key, why was it so easy for the US to 'nuke' Japan, during WW11? It must have been more sophisticated then, seeing it was so simple? Right.

Really though, this is not what I wanted to write about. It is one of the comments, that has me thinking.

"The worst part about all this is that no one else in the world even cares what happens to the American people and who will come to our rescue? NO ONE"

Well, which of you cared for the lives of innocents when Iraq was bombed? You did? LIAR. Did you all stand, mouths open, when you watched Operation OIL's first hours? Were you crying at the time? You were? LIAR. You were cheering your soldiers on, while our people were being mutilated, and blown to pieces. You weren't? LIAR. You were yelling in triumph, US military kicking butt in Iraq, while our kids were dying in our arms and you didn't care! You did? LIAR.

And you continued to show your arrogance, by video taping all your disgusting carnage. You posted them on you tube, in the hundreds, you were so proud. You didn't? LIAR .You didn't vote for your President? LIAR. He did not get into office using thin air.

I don't care for your administration, your President with a capitol P, nor his 700 odd contingent that arrived in Australia with yet another "shock and awe" campaign. We were, by the way, truly grateful the '"shock and awe" was the exact opposite of Iraq's version. As it turned out, it was Australian comedians that shocked, making headlines, and also Bush's inability to remember where he was, and what he was here for . Austria and OPEC?

It's about time you got off your backsides, and did something about your embarrassing problem. Bush is your liability, your shackles and the noose around your neck. The reputation of America and her people are at an all time low.


And for heavens sake, make your vote count, regain your reputation, if indeed it is possible..

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Angel , Demons , Four B's and X.

The demon in this instance, is Bush and the US administration. At least one of my B's, possibly two, voted Bush back into office.

Just prior to the last US election, my Uncle B the first, sent me an email. Told me that if Al Gore was elected, he was going to leave the US in disgust and move to Aus. and to look for a property nearby for him.

I got the shock of my life. I could not believe he wanted Bush to serve a second term. Being a dutiful niece, I would never disrespect him by telling him I thought he was nuts. I did not send a return email.

I have another Uncle there, Uncle B the second. He also surprised me, not by voting for Bush, but by telling me the US was God's own country. He was bursting with the pride that we see in their military forces. I can remember, when I was much younger, being told by this B that the country X, was the land of milk and honey.

Then there is Aunt B, she is the third of my B's and is one classy lady. She is also in the US, but very covert in her thoughts. She sent me some pictures of Tabriz, where she and my mother were born, saying she would hate to see anything happen to that beautiful city. I figured there was a hidden meaning mixed in there.

None of them have said one word about Iraq. I can't believe they said nothing. Have they been struck deaf? Do they not read the paper, or watch the news? Or is it laundered, smoothed over so as not to invade their delicate senses?

Thank goodness for my Mother, who is distraught at the devastation wrought in Iraq. Mum has no trouble voicing her disgust regarding the USA, possibly because she does not live there. She has some very interesting stories to tell about CIA 'black' ops, misinformation, intervention, and the last Shah of Iran. I will save those stories for another time.

Who is the fourth B? That is Bush, and thank Ishtar he does not belong to my family of B's.

As for country X, there are branches of my family everywhere, with roots reaching into Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Syria. They are all lands of milk and honey, according to each individual branch.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Family Hell

Many years ago my race was nearly wiped out, I'm talking Assyrian here, so it's going back a long, long time. There were the Kurdo Turkish massacres in 1915 and various other's over the years.

I used to listen to the oldies talk, now there are not many oldies left. I never took any notice of what they were saying, couldn't be bothered. And now it's too late.

That was the start of the curse.

Now the curse is in Iraq. Anyone who lives in Iraq or who has family there, is not untouched by the murder and mayhem caused by the illegal invasion and occupation. Good old USA.

Look what liberation has done for them. Yeah, right, more like OIL. Killed their president, destabilised the whole region, destroyed families and incomes. Destroyed peace of mind. Hell, destroyed everything!

There is no nice words that I can use to describe the 'warm, wonderful, and loving' nature of President Bush. Dead set country hick, knows nothing except the ways of the KKK. I guess that's where he learned to be "master".

What is it like to be the Supreme Commander of Hell? In fact, he should not be a Supreme Commander, unless he is a resident. Should we demand that he live in hell for a while? Not in the Green Zone though. Somewhere nicer than that. By himself. Could we organise for the kill and drill team to visit?

How proud must the Americans feel? Super Power of the World. Do they realise the world looks on them as the Nazi's of the Milenium? Go team USA!
Being touched by an Angel is not always a good thing

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