I am not good at writing blogs. I sort of sit here, like this. I keep looking at the blank page, as if it is going to fill itself, and a topic will jump into my head.
Mayby if I had a Djinn?
As are many at the moment, I am sick of the fighting, the killing and sectarian nonsense. More so in Iraq, than the Middle East in general. This interview with a pro Resistance Iraqi might finally be the thing that binds them together.
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18155.htmI have made my views known to our government, in no uncertain terms, regarding Australia's involvement in the region. It has done nothing to help the situation, but it has made
me feel better.
We have an election happening here soon, and I am pretty sure our PM is going to be voted out of office. I hope the new PM will listen to the voices of the people, and heed our wishes.
There is a general apathy here, when it comes to the Middle East. No-one seems to be bothered, the general impression I get from others, is that all Middle Easterners are crazy, gun toting murderers, that kill eachother. I know that to be an untruth. They haven't seen our committment to family, our history, our culture, and our laughter. Well, maybe not so much laughter lately.
I try and explain that it is a by-product of constant warring, there is no rest, no happiness, no hope. Not to mention the things we take for granted, like water, electricity, hospitals, and money. A lot of things are possible if you have money, but then again, some things are not. Layla mentioned 'the last Iraqi', he had money and it still didn't help him.
I hope the Resistance is able to pull this off, and unite once more, all Iraqi's.