Assyrian lands were hemmed in by ring after ring of Christian hating Kurds, who in the past had often made armed incursions into their lands. In spite of this and because of benefits to both sides, certain trade routes had remained open. Now, one by one, these routes were being barred. Outgoing goods never reached the markets. Incoming goods never reached their intended recipients, being either filched or confiscated. Tea, sugar, flour, kerosine for lanterns, and ammunition for self defence, or hunding of wild game, and for protection of their flocks from wild beasts. All gone.
Turks, the overlords had never seen eye to eye with the fractious Kurds, except in times of Jihad. This was a constant worry to the Assyrians. At this time the Turks and Kurds had a blossoming friendship, a joining ot the two, making very strange bedfellows indeed, all in the name of Jihad against the infidel Christians, even though these Christians were in their own land.
Thousands of rabble had taken up the cause against the Christians. The Turks and Kurds were well armed, the ring around the Christians was tightening slowly, with ululating voices chanting "Jihad, Jihad". The Assyrian lines grew thinner and thinner, until there were only mostly women and children left. A lot of them chose to jump over the side, and die, taking their children with them Those that did not jump, were disposed of when Turk and Kurd had no further use for them.
Around this time, a million and a half Armenian Christians were massacred in Turkey. When the lust for Christian blood and cooled down a little, thousands of mostly old men, women and children were driven like sheep into the harsh Anatolian desert and made to march without food or water, until they dropped from sheer exhaustion.
No apologies or acknowledgements have ever been made, by either Turk or Kurd regarding the Genocide of the Assyrians. No compensation has ever been made to the Assyrian clans for the green lands they had carved out with such care, from a once barren land.
All appeals to Western Powers have been ignored, as Turkey is a valued ally to the US, these days.
As for the Poor Kurds, 'victims' of the so called 'wicked' Saddam Hussein, they carried out yet another Assyrian massacre, this time with Arab help, wanting to finish off once and for all what their kin had failed to do in Turkey in WWI. When Justice and self interest come into the the equasion, we all know which side is the winner.