Iraq is, at this point destroyed. Lives, livlihoods, sanity, are all gone. It is burnt and razed to the ground. There will never be another Iraq, as we knew it. This is a given, for her citizens. Millions of displaced Iraqi's are spread over the Middle East, most not welcome in their host countries. Hell, they're not even welcome in their own country, just ask the Americans, I'm sure they will tell you. A lot living in squalor, dying of disease, and lack of everything you or I would take as granted.
If perchance the US were to leave Iraqi's to fend for themselves it would possibly be called abandonment, by a lot of do-gooders. Really though, those who can have left the nest, leaving what's left to the vultures. You know, those Iranian, American Turkish, Kurdish, Israeli, Shia militias. Oops, forgot Blackwater and the other private contracters. Anyone else want to join in the militia group? Why not, the more the merrier.
The US is in debt to China, up to it's neck. Their rising mortgage crisis is damaging their credibility and their economy is shot to pieces. Bush and his war mongering mate, Cheney, have destroyed the strong economy of two countries, for a war that cannot be won. It makes you wonder how gullible the American voters are. Isn't is about time the citizens of that "fair" country got rid of their government, who have shown themselves to be corrupt to the very core.
It's about time we, Britain and Australia got off our backsides, and did something about this mess. That we helped cause it, is morally bankrupt, that we let our elected leaders join Bush is more than remiss, it is gross negligence.