Thursday, March 20, 2008

Puffed Up Peacocks

I have been visiting some American blogs lately. It has been an interesting experience, with an awfully rude awakening for me. My US cousins, who all have differing opinions on Iraq, tell me that a lot of Americans are ashamed of what their administration has done to Iraq. They also tell me some, including a couple of them, have exactly the opposite opinion.

I am usually a moderate blogger, don't make too much noise, and keep a low profile. I read a lot, but usually don't comment. But, in this instance, I will tell you exactly what I think.

The particular blogger I am referring to seems like a nice guy.
I don't always agree with him, which is fair enough, it's his blog, and he has the right to say anything he wants. He is quite humble, which makes me appreciate his opinions all the more.

On the other hand, some (not all) of his commenters are the most arrogant, self opinionated, pompous puffed up little Peacocks I have come accross in blogger land.

They cannot stand criticism of the USA in Iraq, in any shape or form, and that is where arrogance comes into opinions. The arrogance does not do any favours for their cause, in fact it detracts from the validity of their statements.

A particular blogger also accused me of airing a Fake Video of Dog Abuse. That is being investigated, according to Pentagon News. Well, just for him this one is definitely not fake. There is also another little snippet at the bottom.

Low and behold, it's not just animals. At least the other soliders in the above video had the temerity to express their disgust at the shooter. In this one, they cheer when they kill a wounded Iraqi on the ground.

Soldiers in war are disgusting, which ever side they are on.
Being touched by an Angel is not always a good thing

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