I met my cousins for the first time. They are both gorgeous, and down to earth. We have so much in common, it's eerie!
They're AMERICAN, and have never voted for Bush, don't you just love 'em?
Anti war, anti OIL, anti Middle East meddling, anti Bush, and pro Obama. What more could a girl ask for? I'm in heaven.
I won't say more at the moment, we have another 2 days of talking to go, so a whole lot more info to come.
Just one thing. They speak funny!!! Not really, they were both surprisingly easy to understand, unlike another US rellie.
We talked and ate, talked and ate. I think we were all worn out!
It was very different for me, having someone related, apart from Mum. It was special, I guess you could say. Overwhelming, more people to love and again leave.
To my beautiful cousins:
Shlamee oo khoobee. Gatee pesgeenee t'kharro deeman'e.