There is an interesting article at ICH, today. As there is most days. But, this one is a little different, and so are the comments. Have a sticky beak at the article here: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18325.htm
Apparently there are some funny going's on at Barksdale Air Force Base. Tut, tut, does this mean the US is up to no good? Again?
According to one of the comments on this article, it is an extremely sophisticated process to arm a nuclear bomb. You don't just load the nukes, and then drop them. It doesn't happen this way.
If sophistication is the key, why was it so easy for the US to 'nuke' Japan, during WW11? It must have been more sophisticated then, seeing it was so simple? Right.
Really though, this is not what I wanted to write about. It is one of the comments, that has me thinking.
"The worst part about all this is that no one else in the world even cares what happens to the American people and who will come to our rescue? NO ONE"
Well, which of you cared for the lives of innocents when Iraq was bombed? You did? LIAR. Did you all stand, mouths open, when you watched Operation OIL's first hours? Were you crying at the time? You were? LIAR. You were cheering your soldiers on, while our people were being mutilated, and blown to pieces. You weren't? LIAR. You were yelling in triumph, US military kicking butt in Iraq, while our kids were dying in our arms and you didn't care! You did? LIAR.
And you continued to show your arrogance, by video taping all your disgusting carnage. You posted them on you tube, in the hundreds, you were so proud. You didn't? LIAR .You didn't vote for your President? LIAR. He did not get into office using thin air.
I don't care for your administration, your President with a capitol P, nor his 700 odd contingent that arrived in Australia with yet another "shock and awe" campaign. We were, by the way, truly grateful the '"shock and awe" was the exact opposite of Iraq's version. As it turned out, it was Australian comedians that shocked, making headlines, and also Bush's inability to remember where he was, and what he was here for . Austria and OPEC?
It's about time you got off your backsides, and did something about your embarrassing problem. Bush is your liability, your shackles and the noose around your neck. The reputation of America and her people are at an all time low.
And for heavens sake, make your vote count, regain your reputation, if indeed it is possible..