After hearing the news regarding the College shootings in Virginia, my eyes opened wide in disbelief as I listened to the White House Wanker say:
"They were in the wrong place at the wrong time"
That struck a raw nerve in my gut. I thought about all the students in Iraq, the grieving parents and grandparents, the deaths and carnage left by the Americans. The insults and rapes by their oh so trustworthy soldiers.
However much I felt for the parents of the Virginia students, it was negated by Bush opening his mouth. But, then again any World Power who gives the population open access to guns, with no embargo, is asking for trouble.
In America, they are very big on the word trust, but can you trust them? No way. They can't even be trusted to be kind to a dog, as we have seen.
What an inane, senseless, society. Where is their culture? Their heritage? I'll tell you. It's in a cup of tea. I'll leave you to figure that one out.
"They were in the wrong place at the wrong time"
That struck a raw nerve in my gut. I thought about all the students in Iraq, the grieving parents and grandparents, the deaths and carnage left by the Americans. The insults and rapes by their oh so trustworthy soldiers.
However much I felt for the parents of the Virginia students, it was negated by Bush opening his mouth. But, then again any World Power who gives the population open access to guns, with no embargo, is asking for trouble.
In America, they are very big on the word trust, but can you trust them? No way. They can't even be trusted to be kind to a dog, as we have seen.
What an inane, senseless, society. Where is their culture? Their heritage? I'll tell you. It's in a cup of tea. I'll leave you to figure that one out.