I went looking for my old comments at Haloscan and found you can't access them because they are archieved. How do you access your comments? This is where the almighty $$$$$ come in. You have to pay for an upgraded account, then magically, they become UN archieved!
Don't ask for help in their forum's, you get ridiculed, and definitely won't get any help at all.
How do you uninstall Haloscan? Next to impossible if you have used the auto install method. I went searching for help and found something that was supposed to work, went into edit html, and the bit I was suppose to clip (in 3 different places) was the 'blogger' original html. Haloscan html wasn't there.
I went searching again, and after reading half the night, came to the conclusion it was impossible. There are literally 2,020 questions asking how to UN INSTAll Haloscan.
I found the only way to do it is to install a new template, which is what I did, but all the comments have gone.
Anyone know how to get them back? HELP Yes, I did back up my blog, but have no idea about how to get my comments back.