Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Victoria Burning - Protection for the Arsonist- No protection for the Victims

They are not releasing his name We should know. We need to ow. We want to know. PLEASE
What does 'fragile state of mind' mean? Does he have a disability, a mental illness? WHAT? Is he a husband, a father, we should know. He deserves to be lynched.

I went searching for a Fiery Angel pic, and found this. I thought Angel of Revenge, then realised it had one of the Psalms attached, Psalm 90. It's about protection. I guess that would be protection for the ARSONIST.


Does that seem fair? Why should he deserve to be protected, any more than another criminal?

There must be someone out there that knows his name. We want to know. In fact, we demand to know. So, who is he?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Family Hell

Many years ago my race was nearly wiped out, I'm talking Assyrian here, so it's going back a long, long time. There were the Kurdo Turkish massacres in 1915 and various other's over the years.

I used to listen to the oldies talk, now there are not many oldies left. I never took any notice of what they were saying, couldn't be bothered. And now it's too late.

That was the start of the curse.

Now the curse is in Iraq. Anyone who lives in Iraq or who has family there, is not untouched by the murder and mayhem caused by the illegal invasion and occupation. Good old USA.

Look what liberation has done for them. Yeah, right, more like OIL. Killed their president, destabilised the whole region, destroyed families and incomes. Destroyed peace of mind. Hell, destroyed everything!

There is no nice words that I can use to describe the 'warm, wonderful, and loving' nature of President Bush. Dead set country hick, knows nothing except the ways of the KKK. I guess that's where he learned to be "master".

What is it like to be the Supreme Commander of Hell? In fact, he should not be a Supreme Commander, unless he is a resident. Should we demand that he live in hell for a while? Not in the Green Zone though. Somewhere nicer than that. By himself. Could we organise for the kill and drill team to visit?

How proud must the Americans feel? Super Power of the World. Do they realise the world looks on them as the Nazi's of the Milenium? Go team USA!
Being touched by an Angel is not always a good thing

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