Watching the results of the Federal Election on TV,
interesting the swing to Liberal, and most probably because of the way Kevin Rudd was disposed of.
One person called Julia Gillard "Lady McBeth in Mary Poppins" clothing. What a mess Labor have made of things.
The Labor power brokerers, including the AWU have made the biggest mistakes of their lives by stabbing Rudd in the back. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
I have always voted Labor, I did so today as well, but with trepidation. I wouldn't vote Green or Independant, because no matter what anyone says, it's a wasted vote.
They HAVE to throw their vote with either Labor or Liberal, no choice there.
There will be (they predict) in the Senate 1 Green and 3 Independants, with an equal amount of Libs and Labor Senators. So, a hung Parliament.
Either major party need 76 seats to win, and neither party's number cruncher is confident that will happen.
.................Australians wait and wonder.