A very touchy topic at this time, never -the - less, I have a fairly strong opinion.
There has been a lot of press in India re their students being
targeted by Australians, hence the title "Australians are racist". The Indian press even went so far as suggesting Victorian Police were akin to the American KKK, showing pictures of the same.
I have lived here most of my life and have only heard one person make what I considered a truly RACIST remark, and it was about me. Odd don't you think, given my background? Just one comment.
There are of course the Aussie jokes about other countries, and I'm sure every other country has their own set of jokes about
Aus. Jokes aside, this is no laughing matter.
In fact I think the bad press from India has stirred the proverbial pot, and made most Aussies furious about the comments. If they were sitting on the fence kicking back before, they definitely are not now.
In one particular attack, the people were of Asian appearance, quite possibly students themselves. Also, I wonder if
Pakistanis are involved, given the conditions between themselves and India? In fact statistics show Indians are far more likely to be killed in their own country, more likely to be bashed and robbed, and more likely to be blown up.
So I ask you, why are there such large Indian / Asian / Italian / Greek / Middle Eastern etc. communities in Australia? Why did these people immigrate and / or come to study here? Because conditions are
horrendous? Because they are likely to murdered or attacked?
Yes, people do get
targeted, every race including so called "white" people get their fair share as well. This is
REVERSE RACISM by India , and most unfair.
Then we get to "no one from India commits a crime here".
Bullsh*t! This week a very tragic case, the murder or a gorgeous 3 year old Indian boy,
Gurshan Singh. The crime committed by? A 23 year old member of his own household,
Gursewak Dhillon. I know how
Gurshan's parents are feeling, as I have also lost a child.
Then we have the rape of a 40 year old woman in a Taxi committed by the 21 year old driver, an Indian student,
Rajveer Singh. Also I will cite the case of the Indian student who was charged with Manslaughter and drink driving after the car he was driving crashed, killing one person. He was given bail, and fled back to India.
Do you think I would label all Indian's as murderers and rapists because of the
examples shown? No, I definitely would not, and neither
would the majority of Australians.
So India, get over your