Back to normal at work too, after the holiday 'cruising' mode, in the land of answering machines and no-one home.
Gee, did I get into trouble at work today. Not technically my fault, but I am in the line of fire, because of the economy. I have people backing out of deals left, right and centre.
Not little deals either, although I agree that if I sold Mobile Phones, those deals would be just as precious to me.
Today I lost $1,352,420.07 worth. Yes, it does have 6 zero's. I think I may have to kiss goodbye to my annual leave, starting on 23rd. I don't think I am game to let go for 2 weeks. Very scary stuff.
This is the first time the state of the economy has affected me, in any way. Talk about creditcard crunch time, and a pay packet with no commission. Now there is a scary thought.