Things are not so well in other parts of the world. I realise there are other wars being fought, apart from the Middle East, but can't worry about them all.
Meanwhile you should watch this piece from Information Clearing House, titled Justifying War Crimes. Interesting that Israel and the US get to contravene International Humanitarian Law. How do we let them get away with this?
The Gaza war will be followed by more violence until Israelis and Palestinians create a state called "Isratine" where they can live together in peace, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said in remarks published on Thursday. This from http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21827.htm
As is usual now, Iraq is forgotten by the Western News Services. We should get news, good or bad, but we all know that unless it is radical, we won't hear it. Typical.
I don't know how someone can live through this, I feel bad enough thinking about it. For these next few days I think I have to force myself to NOT think about it. "D" stress Day.