Showing posts with label War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Angels "D" Day

"D" stress Day. Finally at home, for 10 days straight. No boss, no clients, phones turned off. Ahhhh! Beautiful, peaceful in my little piece of Paradise, anyway.

Things are not so well in other parts of the world. I realise there are other wars being fought, apart from the Middle East, but can't worry about them all.

Meanwhile you should watch this piece from Information Clearing House, titled Justifying War Crimes. Interesting that Israel and the US get to contravene International Humanitarian Law. How do we let them get away with this?

The Gaza war will be followed by more violence until Israelis and Palestinians create a state called "Isratine" where they can live together in peace, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said in remarks published on Thursday. This from

As is usual now, Iraq is forgotten by the Western News Services. We should get news, good or bad, but we all know that unless it is radical, we won't hear it. Typical.

I don't know how someone can live through this, I feel bad enough thinking about it. For these next few days I think I have to force myself to NOT think about it. "D" stress Day.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Read this link. Fascinating, written by Prof. Israel Shahak, Jewish Historian. He says of his OWN Religion "a world sunk in the most abject superstition, fanaticism, and ignorance ..." Below this another review, from another source. It's worth reading.

"Does not their Talmud say, and do not their rabbis write, that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob, as they do with their usury, from a heathen is a divine service. For they hold that they cannot be too hard on us nor sin against us, because they are of the noble blood and circumcised saints; we, however, are cursed goyim. And they are the masters of the world, and we are their servants, yea, their cattle...

Well, what can one say? IT IS NO SIN TO KILL A PALESTINIAN???

"In 1962 a part of the Maimonidean Code ... the so-called Book of Knowledge, which contains the most basic rules of Jewish faith and practice, was published in Jerusalem in a bilingual edition, with the English translation facing the Hebrew text. The latter has been restored to its original purity, and the command to exterminate Jewish infidels appears in it in full: "It is a duty to exterminate them with one's own hands." In the English translation this is somewhat softened to: "It is a duty to take active measures to destroy them." But then the Hebrew text goes on to specify the prime examples of "infidels"who must be exterminated: "Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoqand Baitos [the founders of the Sadducean sect] and their pupils, may the name of the wicked rot." Not one word of this appears in the English text on the facing page (78a). And, even more significant, in spite of the wide circulation of this book among scholars in the English-speaking countries, not one of them has, as far as I know, protested against this glaring deception."

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Angels= Good Taste, Israel= Bad Taste

This guy obviously has good taste. He has gone to the expense and trouble of having an Angel tattooed on his back. And, before you ask, I haven't got a clue as to who he is, but like the pic.

Talking of good taste. Israel hasn't got any, in fact doesn't have much going for it at all.

You know, I can't find anything nice to say about Israel at all. Not a thing. Their administration must have taken notes from GWB. OR, is it the other way around? They both have this inherent lack of humanity, say things with such smugness it makes you sick.

The humanitarian crises in Palestine is appalling. Israel bombed the UN for God's sake. They even said the UN compound was targeted because that's where the rockets were coming from. On top of that they apologised, and said they were mistaken. Meanwhile, much needed food and supplies for war torn Palestinians were destroyed, and more lives lost. Oops, nearly forgot that they bombed the Al-Quds Hospital.

Israel declined a cease fire. What does that say about them? After what they claim to have gone through, why are they in turn treating Palestinians like this? Don't they recognise human suffering any longer? HAVE THEY FORGOTTEN? No way. We are reminded of it at least once a week, via news, movies and endless documentaries.


Another hand in glove with America. Why does that NOT surprise me?

You know, if this is what the God of the Israelites is all about, I don't want any part of him.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bush's Gift to Iraq & No Angels

The Gift
Copyright AL

The tears fall
As she lays dying
Screaming in pain
She follows us
On the path to death


We took her

Broke her
Tore her down
We broke her heart

Hatred fills her veins
She knows we did this
For oil and lies
Hating us for it
We have given her
Something to fight for

Her heart is filled with love
For killing
For hatred
Hatred for us

She is now
A place of pain
A place of death
A place of sorrow


Torn and bleeding
She still strives to live

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Christianity and the Angel of Death

Christians these days, do not associate themselves with being the cause of death and destruction. That is strange, given our history of invasion and colonisation.

Here is a little example of Christian Terrorism, how very apt for this to turn up, via Layla, at this time.

It was us, was it not, that invaded the "Holy Land" first? What do I hear to that? No comment.

We have a long history of invasion, destruction, and death. We cannot see it. That was back then, right? Yes, but it is still happening now. No, I'm not talking about Iraq, amazing!

We are often reminded by the media and the USA, of the age old feud's in the Middle East, between Sunni and Shia, Palestinians and Jews, Turks and Kurds, the list goes on and on. "They are killing each other" Unfortunately, that is partly true. Do we ever associate the rivalry with current day events in the West? The answer is no, of course.

Now, a reminder. The Hell's Angels and the Gypsy Jokers, as an example, are tribes that are warring. The rival gangs we hear about in Western cities, are tribe's of a sort.

These people are raised as Christians, or at the very least, in the so called "civilized" West. These "civilized" people are killing each other with guns, knives, and whatever else they can lay their hands on. If one of them is killed, there is a revenge killing, or a savage brutal beating.

What would you call this? Gang warfare. In tribal terms, or even soldiers terms, it would be "looking out for your family", or "watching your mates back". An Americanism, "we blood, bro, you kill my blood, we kill your blood". This is all out war, yet no-one can see it. Why? Because it is part of everyday life. There are none so blind as those who cannot see.

What we refuse to see, is that this IS tribal, it IS war. Did I hear you say they don't blow each other up? Really?

Dare I mention Northern Ireland? Or are they all Muslims too?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Too many Ands.

Why is it so? The people of the West think they know what is right for the rest of the world.

Is the Middle East doomed to a living hell, being mismanaged , orchestrated and puppeteered by people like Bush? He has set a time line for troops. Really, he has. Honestly. He said so.

Except for troops training Iraqi soldiers. And police. And diplomats. And US bases. And those looking for terrorists. And insurgents. And militia. And, and, and. I forgot, and the Green Zone.

One good thing. This is stirring up world wide controversy, here in Aus it is a hot topic. People are beginning to see the US for what it is, a Bully boy, who deals with the world exactly as he wants.

Also, it's nearly election time here. Our Liberal government, in power for 11 years, is going to get dumped, bigtime. I can't wait. That's not to say the next Prime Minister won't be allied to the US, but hopefully will be more truthful. It's got to do with import/export/farm produce, our economy and just about everything, it seems. One more, and Bully Boy, of course.

I did say there were too many ands.

I added the picture today. I saw it as something beautiful, fire and ice, in a world that is ugly, and that should be ashamed of itself. Either ashamed because they joined the US or ashamed because they stood by, and watched.
Being touched by an Angel is not always a good thing

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