Saturday, December 8, 2007
The Wings of Change
Middle Eastern and Scottish. A great mix, Middle Eastern passion versus the dour Scot. East meets West, intermingles and balances out, living together in harmony. The way it should be.
The air is heavy with the heat of Summer, the humidity high, and the blossoms fragrant. I feel sleepy, but there are things that disturb me greatly. I dream of my Mother's last days in Maragha, about 20 kilometers east of Lake Urmia. She and her brothers and sisters watched my Grandfather die tragically, whilst trying to defend them from the dreaded Coral Snake.
My very brave Grand Papa, the only Doctor for hundreds of miles. At one time kidnapped by Kurds to help their wounded, and then released and sent back to the walled city, only to be used on other occasions.
Grand Papa, a member of one of the 5 Assyrian clans of Baz, a leader is his own right. Grandmama, again Assyrian, from Armenia, named by Reza Shah as Ghozal (beautiful).
The story is very long, with political twists and turns.
A diary of times past, and well worth the telling.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Spooky Room and Angel

I was driving to a friends new home, and became very lost. Along the way I saw a property with a For Sale sign , the garden lush and overgrown. I felt an urgent need to see inside. Just as I was about to knock, the door opened, and before me was a woman with the most striking green eyes I had ever seen. She held my attention for quite some time. Before the day was out, I had bought myself a house. I felt such affinity to that place the moment I laid eyes on it.
It began about 2 weeks after we moved in. One of the girls contracted measles, I had put her in my bed for some needed peace and quiet. About half an hour later I went in to check on her, the room was freezing and the hairs on the back of my neck began to prickle. I could see the steam coming from my breath.
Let me explain. It was February, a late afternoon in Perth. The Freemantle Doctor had given us a miss that day and it was stinking hot, around 43 degree's. The house was double brick and had high vaulted ceilings, which helped it remain reasonably comfortable in the heat. There was no air conditioning.
I stepped in and out of the room several times, to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I called the others, on the pretext of visiting their daughter/sister. I wanted to see if there was any reaction from them. There was, "it's a bit chilly", " it's freezing in here", and "it's creepy". At this point I had not mentioned anything about "the room". There was even a reaction from my dog Becky, who loved to be on my bed. She refused to go in. She sat just back from door, hackles raised, growling.
That was the first time "it "happened.. My other half thought I had gone slightly loopy. When he was working away, I couldn't sleep in the bedroom. I slept with one of the kids, or on the couch. I bought extra blankets, I even had thermal pj's sent over from Victoria, and was still cold. No, definitely not joking, or crazy either.
The kids named it the "Spooky Room", except for the one who had measles. I found that very strange at the time. She explained later that she was burning up, and felt comfortable in "there".
Anyway, the rumor's ran rife within the school community. My bedroom gained quite a reputation. Some weeks later, there was a knock on my door. It was one of the Mum's from the school, we had seen each other before, but had not met as our kids were in different, she introduced herself to me, and said she had heard I had a problem with "The Spooky Room"
She went on to explain the previous owner was a member of the Wiccan community, and used the Ouija board every Friday night, quite successfully. I was dumbfounded, and just stared at her. I didn't believe in that rubbish. I must have appeared quite rude, she talked for about 10 minutes before I asked her in for coffee.
We did a lot of talking, over many weeks. The more she talked, the more interested I became. I researched a lot. I had no Internet at that time and the local library was quite outdated, although I did happen upon some copies of Grimoire's that were extremely interesting.
This story is by no means finished, I'll call it Installment No. 1.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wings of Hope and Angels

Iraq is, at this point destroyed. Lives, livlihoods, sanity, are all gone. It is burnt and razed to the ground. There will never be another Iraq, as we knew it. This is a given, for her citizens. Millions of displaced Iraqi's are spread over the Middle East, most not welcome in their host countries. Hell, they're not even welcome in their own country, just ask the Americans, I'm sure they will tell you. A lot living in squalor, dying of disease, and lack of everything you or I would take as granted.
If perchance the US were to leave Iraqi's to fend for themselves it would possibly be called abandonment, by a lot of do-gooders. Really though, those who can have left the nest, leaving what's left to the vultures. You know, those Iranian, American Turkish, Kurdish, Israeli, Shia militias. Oops, forgot Blackwater and the other private contracters. Anyone else want to join in the militia group? Why not, the more the merrier.
The US is in debt to China, up to it's neck. Their rising mortgage crisis is damaging their credibility and their economy is shot to pieces. Bush and his war mongering mate, Cheney, have destroyed the strong economy of two countries, for a war that cannot be won. It makes you wonder how gullible the American voters are. Isn't is about time the citizens of that "fair" country got rid of their government, who have shown themselves to be corrupt to the very core.
It's about time we, Britain and Australia got off our backsides, and did something about this mess. That we helped cause it, is morally bankrupt, that we let our elected leaders join Bush is more than remiss, it is gross negligence.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bush's Gift to Iraq & No Angels
Copyright AL

As she lays dying
Screaming in pain
She follows us
On the path to death
We took her
Broke her
Tore her down
We broke her heart
Hatred fills her veins
She knows we did this
For oil and lies
Hating us for it
We have given her
Something to fight for
Her heart is filled with love
For killing
For hatred
Hatred for us
She is now
A place of pain
A place of death
A place of sorrow
Torn and bleeding
She still strives to live
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Christianity and the Angel of Death

Here is a little example of Christian Terrorism, how very apt for this to turn up, via Layla, at this time.
It was us, was it not, that invaded the "Holy Land" first? What do I hear to that? No comment.
We have a long history of invasion, destruction, and death. We cannot see it. That was back then, right? Yes, but it is still happening now. No, I'm not talking about Iraq, amazing!
We are often reminded by the media and the USA, of the age old feud's in the Middle East, between Sunni and Shia, Palestinians and Jews, Turks and Kurds, the list goes on and on. "They are killing each other" Unfortunately, that is partly true. Do we ever associate the rivalry with current day events in the West? The answer is no, of course.
Now, a reminder. The Hell's Angels and the Gypsy Jokers, as an example, are tribes that are warring. The rival gangs we hear about in Western cities, are tribe's of a sort.
These people are raised as Christians, or at the very least, in the so called "civilized" West. These "civilized" people are killing each other with guns, knives, and whatever else they can lay their hands on. If one of them is killed, there is a revenge killing, or a savage brutal beating.
What would you call this? Gang warfare. In tribal terms, or even soldiers terms, it would be "looking out for your family", or "watching your mates back". An Americanism, "we blood, bro, you kill my blood, we kill your blood". This is all out war, yet no-one can see it. Why? Because it is part of everyday life. There are none so blind as those who cannot see.
What we refuse to see, is that this IS tribal, it IS war. Did I hear you say they don't blow each other up? Really?
Dare I mention Northern Ireland? Or are they all Muslims too?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Angels Crying and Christian Terrorists

On the blog, no-one pointed out that Christians are just as capable of terrorism as any other religion. The terrorists were repeatedly referred to as Muslims.
The following, from a blogger:
Of course if she died yet could have been saved you could
always pray at her graveside & try to explain, “Sorry dear, I couldn’t save you on moral grounds.My response, based on real life:
At the time, I did try to explain that one to my Mother and Grandy, but they didn't take it very well, and were absolutely distraught. No-one could save anyone on moral grounds. The morality of the Americans had disappeared.
No-one could pray at the graveside, the cemetary, blown up by the Americans was unavailable for burials. Apart from that, the body bits didn't match, or were unaccessible due to miniscule sizes. Sort of like a jigsaw puzzle, with missing pieces. No coffins either, just cardboard boxes.
The US terrorists were offered tea and cake, to placate their thirst for bloodlust and torture, fuelled by self righteousness and outright lies. With the thrill of the kill fresh in their minds, they refused, and shot them one by one. The shootings continue to this day.
There are make believe scenarios and there are real one's. Some of you seem to be unable to decipher differing types of torture, and who applies it. You choose to ignore the fact that terrorism in Christianity exists.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Trapped Iraqi's, USA and Angel

This is what is happening to me. I feel guilty, I have been neglecting to take note of the human face of misery that is Iraq.
I haven't forgotten, it has just slipped by me. It's so easy to get enmeshed with small things in life, that seem to spiral out of control so that you can't see the wood for the trees. Today, I woke up, and the outrage has returned.
The every day punter is sick and tired of hearing about Iraq, I really believe they don't care. It has come down to an article here and there on the main news channels . Bits and pieces, just the insurgents killed "how ever many" today. The "how ever many" don't count, they are only Iraqi's, and no-one gives a damn.
An interesting article from ICH today,23599,22471872-2,00.html. US snipers baiting Iraqi's. Just how low can the US Military go? Apparently all the way, USA. Utterly, totally disgusting. How can you NOT care, when it is done in your name?
The following quote is very interesting, being compared to Bushism's. There are many quote's from Bush that are nearly word for word with Hitler. Makes you wonder at the mentality of the man.
Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise" : Adolf Hitler .
The following is from Bush:
In my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and
over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. George W. Bush
Note the similarities between the two. Do you equate Bush with Hitler? The answer is no, you don't and the scary thing is, you should. This is what you have invited into our world, the leader of "freedom and democracy" is nothing more that a megalomaniac, just like Hitler was, and with the same type of views. One small difference though, Hitler hated Jews, and the US President loves them.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Angel's, Iraq, Nukes and Flying Bush's.

There is an interesting article at ICH, today. As there is most days. But, this one is a little different, and so are the comments. Have a sticky beak at the article here:
Apparently there are some funny going's on at Barksdale Air Force Base. Tut, tut, does this mean the US is up to no good? Again?
According to one of the comments on this article, it is an extremely sophisticated process to arm a nuclear bomb. You don't just load the nukes, and then drop them. It doesn't happen this way.
If sophistication is the key, why was it so easy for the US to 'nuke' Japan, during WW11? It must have been more sophisticated then, seeing it was so simple? Right.
Really though, this is not what I wanted to write about. It is one of the comments, that has me thinking.
"The worst part about all this is that no one else in the world even cares what happens to the American people and who will come to our rescue? NO ONE"
Well, which of you cared for the lives of innocents when Iraq was bombed? You did? LIAR. Did you all stand, mouths open, when you watched Operation OIL's first hours? Were you crying at the time? You were? LIAR. You were cheering your soldiers on, while our people were being mutilated, and blown to pieces. You weren't? LIAR. You were yelling in triumph, US military kicking butt in Iraq, while our kids were dying in our arms and you didn't care! You did? LIAR.
And you continued to show your arrogance, by video taping all your disgusting carnage. You posted them on you tube, in the hundreds, you were so proud. You didn't? LIAR .You didn't vote for your President? LIAR. He did not get into office using thin air.
I don't care for your administration, your President with a capitol P, nor his 700 odd contingent that arrived in Australia with yet another "shock and awe" campaign. We were, by the way, truly grateful the '"shock and awe" was the exact opposite of Iraq's version. As it turned out, it was Australian comedians that shocked, making headlines, and also Bush's inability to remember where he was, and what he was here for . Austria and OPEC?
It's about time you got off your backsides, and did something about your embarrassing problem. Bush is your liability, your shackles and the noose around your neck. The reputation of America and her people are at an all time low.
And for heavens sake, make your vote count, regain your reputation, if indeed it is possible..
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Angel , Demons , Four B's and X.

Just prior to the last US election, my Uncle B the first, sent me an email. Told me that if Al Gore was elected, he was going to leave the US in disgust and move to Aus. and to look for a property nearby for him.
I got the shock of my life. I could not believe he wanted Bush to serve a second term. Being a dutiful niece, I would never disrespect him by telling him I thought he was nuts. I did not send a return email.
I have another Uncle there, Uncle B the second. He also surprised me, not by voting for Bush, but by telling me the US was God's own country. He was bursting with the pride that we see in their military forces. I can remember, when I was much younger, being told by this B that the country X, was the land of milk and honey.
Then there is Aunt B, she is the third of my B's and is one classy lady. She is also in the US, but very covert in her thoughts. She sent me some pictures of Tabriz, where she and my mother were born, saying she would hate to see anything happen to that beautiful city. I figured there was a hidden meaning mixed in there.
None of them have said one word about Iraq. I can't believe they said nothing. Have they been struck deaf? Do they not read the paper, or watch the news? Or is it laundered, smoothed over so as not to invade their delicate senses?
Thank goodness for my Mother, who is distraught at the devastation wrought in Iraq. Mum has no trouble voicing her disgust regarding the USA, possibly because she does not live there. She has some very interesting stories to tell about CIA 'black' ops, misinformation, intervention, and the last Shah of Iran. I will save those stories for another time.
Who is the fourth B? That is Bush, and thank Ishtar he does not belong to my family of B's.
As for country X, there are branches of my family everywhere, with roots reaching into Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Syria. They are all lands of milk and honey, according to each individual branch.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Slaying Angels

Assyrian lands were hemmed in by ring after ring of Christian hating Kurds, who in the past had often made armed incursions into their lands. In spite of this and because of benefits to both sides, certain trade routes had remained open. Now, one by one, these routes were being barred. Outgoing goods never reached the markets. Incoming goods never reached their intended recipients, being either filched or confiscated. Tea, sugar, flour, kerosine for lanterns, and ammunition for self defence, or hunding of wild game, and for protection of their flocks from wild beasts. All gone.
Turks, the overlords had never seen eye to eye with the fractious Kurds, except in times of Jihad. This was a constant worry to the Assyrians. At this time the Turks and Kurds had a blossoming friendship, a joining ot the two, making very strange bedfellows indeed, all in the name of Jihad against the infidel Christians, even though these Christians were in their own land.
Thousands of rabble had taken up the cause against the Christians. The Turks and Kurds were well armed, the ring around the Christians was tightening slowly, with ululating voices chanting "Jihad, Jihad". The Assyrian lines grew thinner and thinner, until there were only mostly women and children left. A lot of them chose to jump over the side, and die, taking their children with them Those that did not jump, were disposed of when Turk and Kurd had no further use for them.
Around this time, a million and a half Armenian Christians were massacred in Turkey. When the lust for Christian blood and cooled down a little, thousands of mostly old men, women and children were driven like sheep into the harsh Anatolian desert and made to march without food or water, until they dropped from sheer exhaustion.
No apologies or acknowledgements have ever been made, by either Turk or Kurd regarding the Genocide of the Assyrians. No compensation has ever been made to the Assyrian clans for the green lands they had carved out with such care, from a once barren land.
All appeals to Western Powers have been ignored, as Turkey is a valued ally to the US, these days.
As for the Poor Kurds, 'victims' of the so called 'wicked' Saddam Hussein, they carried out yet another Assyrian massacre, this time with Arab help, wanting to finish off once and for all what their kin had failed to do in Turkey in WWI. When Justice and self interest come into the the equasion, we all know which side is the winner.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Angels Dying Inside

Why is it people say things that hurt you, destroy your self esteem, and then tell you it was a joke, or they didn't mean it?
Apologies over and done with, but it's too late, the damage has been done. The words used will remain a barrier for me towards this person. Also, I have a long memory when it comes to personal insults.
It does not take much to tip the scales when it comes to the fragility of our outer shells. Attacking the 'man', is something I rarely do and I hate it when others resort to this modus operandi.
What's that old saying, once bitten, twice shy? From now on, I am "twice shy" with this particular person.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Iraqi Dryad's

According to Micha F. Lindemans of the Encyclopedia Mythica, she is a female spirit, or nature nymph, who preside in the forests,
Each nymph is born with a certain tree, over she watches. If she lives IN the tree, her name changes from Dryad to Hamadryad.
Should the tree perish, then she dies with it. If this is caused by a mortal, then the Gods will punish him/her for that deed. Apparently the Dryad's themselves will also punish any thoughtless mortal who would somehow injure "her" tree.
I wonder about the missing "Shadow's" of the palms in Baghdad. Are the US soldiers being punished, not only by the Resistance, but by the Dryad's as well?
Those Palm Tree's in Baghdad were something special, it therefore seems logical to assume the Dryad's were special also.
Iraq needs all the help she can get, if it comes in the form folklore, so be it. We need to help, not sit on our backsides. Our voices need to be raised a couple of octaves louder, and don't think you are only one voice, and you won't count. You will count, you and every other person who join together in voicing your displeasure in your Government's actions.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Yazidis Thread
In relation to Peacocks, Angels, Eggshells, and Imploding Threads of Erf
The Iraqi women have sent a prayer to their guardian angel. The Peacock's tail feathers have been plucked, along with his marbles, therefore rendering him useless. There is now no need to walk on eggshells and my composure has been regained.
This is my thank you to you. I hope you enjoy watching this, as much as I enjoyed performing it.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Education and the Assyrian Cause
I tried to educate him a little, regarding my family history, and Great Uncle Patros, and the Assyrian mess. Also this , Assyrian Martyr's. dedication.
All I ended up doing was spilling the beans of my personal history. It went way, way over the top. Tim, at blogocracy pulled the thread. I'm glad he did.
I said things I normally wouldn't say, describing them fully, in minute detail, my beautiful cousin Shushan, her repeated rectal rapes, at the hands of US soldiers and her subsequent suicide. The deaths of my niece and nephew, and their funerals, and the rape of elderly Aamia Sharifa
I asked him to put himself in my shoes, and how would he feel? I was that upset when I read his reply, I turned the computer off. I can't even remember what is was now, and can't read it again because the thread was pulled. Just as well, I suppose.
It's people like him, that believe this "war" is straight forward, and there are no twists and turns, that caused this in the first place.
Bushista's, don't you just love them? Those self righteous, puffed up tossers should be made to spend a few weeks "In the Shadow of the Palms" with family in tow, and learn by first hand experiences of a war zone. Maybe in down town Baghdad, or in Mosul.
They should walk the walk, before they talk the talk.
I have just remembered what he called my point of view - Logical Fallacy. I had to look it up, and don't fully understand. There was another logical fallacy regarding history -'just because you believed it to happen, doesn't mean it did. Confusing
Anyway, if you come accross him, he is a nasty piece of work, and is best to stay clear.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic/Anxiety Disorder, Depression.
Depression is something we all have, at one stage in our life. Whether we admit to it, is another thing entirely. For most, it is something that last's a few weeks at a time. For others it is a noose around their necks, that gets tighter and tighter.
There are those that don't believe Depression is "real", and tell you to pull yourself together, and get on with life. Try explaining it to them, it just doesn't work.
There are two schools of thought on Panic/Anxiety/Depression.
1. Depression sets of Panic/Anxiety.
2. Panic/Anxiety sets off Depression.
I don't feel I had the Depression side, although thinking back, I probably should have. If it recurred, I know I would.
PTSD, Panic/Anxiety, is my area, I know it intimately and hate it with a vengence. My Panic Attacks started round 15 years ago, after I started a new job, in a high pressure area. I had absolutely no training for this position, and thought I knew it all. By the time 6 weeks were up, I was a mess, having panic attacks, but not recognising what "it" was.
Vomiting, shaking, crawling skin, rapid heart rate, frozen on the spot, unable to talk, no sleep, night sweats, buzzing head, violent headache's, irritable bowel syndrome, duodenal ulcers. The final insult, my hair fell out.
One day, I just didn't go to work. I couldn't. I rang and told them I was unable to continue. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It took 2 years to claim some sort of life back and another 8 before I felt I was truly able to face a return to some form of work. I am, to this day still taking a 'maintenance' dose of meds. Neither I, nor my Doctor envisage my life without it.
Luckily my family were supportive, and my husband truly amazing. I do not know if I could have faced it alone. I will never know, and I don't want to. I am, once more in a high pressure job, and am coping well with a 6 day week.
I might add, in amongst this my daughter, Mandy, died in an accident.
This is only a small part of that journey. I want people to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and not to ever give up hope.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Hope and Apathy
Mayby if I had a Djinn?
As are many at the moment, I am sick of the fighting, the killing and sectarian nonsense. More so in Iraq, than the Middle East in general. This interview with a pro Resistance Iraqi might finally be the thing that binds them together.
I have made my views known to our government, in no uncertain terms, regarding Australia's involvement in the region. It has done nothing to help the situation, but it has made me feel better.
We have an election happening here soon, and I am pretty sure our PM is going to be voted out of office. I hope the new PM will listen to the voices of the people, and heed our wishes.
There is a general apathy here, when it comes to the Middle East. No-one seems to be bothered, the general impression I get from others, is that all Middle Easterners are crazy, gun toting murderers, that kill eachother. I know that to be an untruth. They haven't seen our committment to family, our history, our culture, and our laughter. Well, maybe not so much laughter lately.
I try and explain that it is a by-product of constant warring, there is no rest, no happiness, no hope. Not to mention the things we take for granted, like water, electricity, hospitals, and money. A lot of things are possible if you have money, but then again, some things are not. Layla mentioned 'the last Iraqi', he had money and it still didn't help him.
I hope the Resistance is able to pull this off, and unite once more, all Iraqi's.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
She Is Dead
For those of you that wonder.
The anniversary of her death
Has just passed
She is...
the Whispering Wind
the Warm Sunlight on my face
the Stars in the Sky
the Beating Wings of a Butterfly
the Pure White Snow
the Moonlit Night
the Turbulent Waves
the Swirling Leaves
the Morning Dew
the Dancing Flames
the Misty Morning
the Dark Night
the Tears on my Face
the Ache in my Heart
the Emptiness Inside
the Earth
the Air
the Fire
the Water
She was 7.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Too many Ands.
Is the Middle East doomed to a living hell, being mismanaged , orchestrated and puppeteered by people like Bush? He has set a time line for troops. Really, he has. Honestly. He said so.
Except for troops training Iraqi soldiers. And police. And diplomats. And US bases. And those looking for terrorists. And insurgents. And militia. And, and, and. I forgot, and the Green Zone.
One good thing. This is stirring up world wide controversy, here in Aus it is a hot topic. People are beginning to see the US for what it is, a Bully boy, who deals with the world exactly as he wants.
Also, it's nearly election time here. Our Liberal government, in power for 11 years, is going to get dumped, bigtime. I can't wait. That's not to say the next Prime Minister won't be allied to the US, but hopefully will be more truthful. It's got to do with import/export/farm produce, our economy and just about everything, it seems. One more, and Bully Boy, of course.
I did say there were too many ands.
I added the picture today. I saw it as something beautiful, fire and ice, in a world that is ugly, and that should be ashamed of itself. Either ashamed because they joined the US or ashamed because they stood by, and watched.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"They were in the wrong place at the wrong time"
That struck a raw nerve in my gut. I thought about all the students in Iraq, the grieving parents and grandparents, the deaths and carnage left by the Americans. The insults and rapes by their oh so trustworthy soldiers.
However much I felt for the parents of the Virginia students, it was negated by Bush opening his mouth. But, then again any World Power who gives the population open access to guns, with no embargo, is asking for trouble.
In America, they are very big on the word trust, but can you trust them? No way. They can't even be trusted to be kind to a dog, as we have seen.
What an inane, senseless, society. Where is their culture? Their heritage? I'll tell you. It's in a cup of tea. I'll leave you to figure that one out.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Family Hell

I used to listen to the oldies talk, now there are not many oldies left. I never took any notice of what they were saying, couldn't be bothered. And now it's too late.
That was the start of the curse.
Now the curse is in Iraq. Anyone who lives in Iraq or who has family there, is not untouched by the murder and mayhem caused by the illegal invasion and occupation. Good old USA.
Look what liberation has done for them. Yeah, right, more like OIL. Killed their president, destabilised the whole region, destroyed families and incomes. Destroyed peace of mind. Hell, destroyed everything!
There is no nice words that I can use to describe the 'warm, wonderful, and loving' nature of President Bush. Dead set country hick, knows nothing except the ways of the KKK. I guess that's where he learned to be "master".
What is it like to be the Supreme Commander of Hell? In fact, he should not be a Supreme Commander, unless he is a resident. Should we demand that he live in hell for a while? Not in the Green Zone though. Somewhere nicer than that. By himself. Could we organise for the kill and drill team to visit?
How proud must the Americans feel? Super Power of the World. Do they realise the world looks on them as the Nazi's of the Milenium? Go team USA!